

The death of King Datusena

The death of king Datusena was a very sad story. His death was a very painful one. Chronicles says that King Datusena was buried alive in a wall next to the tank Kala. The dispute between King and his son Kashypa was a result of an intrigue created by Migara, who was the commander of king’s army. Migara was not loyal to the king thus, one day he was found guilty of a treason and punished. He fled away from soldiers and sought solace from Kashyapa, who was his friend. The king was furious and ordered to slay his mother  if he had not returned and surrender. Days passed, Migara did not return thereby, an innocent woman was burned to death. The commander determined to get the revenge from the King. He used Kashypa in order to fulfill his revenge. Kashyapa, was a young prince who was very stubborn. Moreover, he is not the legitimate son of the king. Migara use this fact very craftily to convince Kashypa, that his father would never nominate him as the hairier to the throne. Not only that, he claimed that King posses a fortune of gold and diamond hidden in a safe place. Kashypa was furious with his father believing that Migara was saying truth. As the final part of the plan Migara help Kashypa to capture King Datusena. The king was caged and tortured continuously until he reveals the hide out of his gold. However, the king never possessed such a wealth, it was a mock up created by Migara to mislead Kashypa. Finally, Kashypa decided to kill his father in a brutal manner, as he is not revealing about the treasure.

In my next post let see how Sigiriya came to a rock fortress.